Adding comments to the blog
After years of blogging, I’ve finally chosen to add a comment system, including reactions, to this blog.…

Reading env variables from a Tauri App
“Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend” is the promise made by Tauri. And indeed, it is a great Electron replacement.…
Integrating JetBrains Qodana with GitLab pipelines
JetBrains Qodana is a new product, still in early access, that brings the “Smarts” of JetBrains IDEs into your CI pipeline, and it can be easily integrated in GitLab.…

Fail a Gitlab pipeline when code coverage decreases
Automatic and continuous testing is a fundamental part of today’s development cycle. Given a Gitlab pipeline that runs for each commit, we should enforce not only all tests are passing, but also that a sufficient number of them are present.…

Create a PyTorch Docker image ready for production
Given a PyTorch model, how should we put it in a Docker image, with all the related dependencies, ready to be deployed?…

Introducing an opensource alternative implementation of the AWS console.
Daintree is a website to manage some of your AWS resources: since this is an early preview, at the moment, it supports a subset of Networking, EC2, SQS, and SNS. Daintree does not aim to replace the original console, but would like to improve the user experience…
Leveraging AWS Lambda to notify users about their old access keys
I love to spend time trying to automatize out boring part of my job. One of these boring side is remembering people to rotate AWS Access Keys, as suggested also by AWS in their best practices.…
My year on HackerOne
This year I spent some of my free time doing bug bounties over HackerOne. Here a summary of what I did, how did it go, and what I want to do in the future.…
Exploring Gitlab Visual Reviews
With Visual Reviews, you can provide a feedback form to your Review Apps so that reviewers can post comments directly from the app back to the merge request that spawned the Review App.…
Using AWS Textract in an automatic fashion with AWS Lambda
AWS Textract does OCR reading of data: let's see how to automatize its usage with AWS Lambda, S3, and Amazon SNS…