This is possible also thanks to Alan Pope, Mihir Soni and a lot of other guys, designers and testers. I started to do a credits list, but wow, how many people for a single app. So thanks to all!

The app is still being worked, so in next weeks will have new features and improvements! Meanwhile, if you want to test it, just look for Ubuntu Calculator App Reboot on the store, install the app and try it. It will be installed side by side with the already available app, so don’t worry, you can test the reboot without losing the old one.
If you find any bug, please report it on Launchpad. I’m sure there are a lot of them, it’s stll a beta, but we are here to fix them, so report them! Opensource rocks because you can contribute to it :-)
In next week I’ll keep you update on what’s going on in the developement of the calculator, until the reboot will replace the actual application.
Help us
If you want to start to collaborate with us we will be more than happy to help you in your first step :-) We need both developers and autopilot hackers. If you want to write autopilot tests, we have a list of bugs for you. If you prefer to write code and fix bugs, take the branch, test it and check what is missing! If you need help, or have feedback, write me a mail or join #ubuntu-app-devel on Freenode and ping me (rpadovani) or Bartosk (gang66) or Giulio (gcollura).
Do you mind to buy me a coffee to work all night long? :-)