It’s almost 10 years since I wrote my first blog post on this domain. Back at the time, it was a WordPress blog.
After WordPress, I moved to Jekyll, and I hosted the website in many different places: GitHub Pages, my own VPS, and lately on GitLab Pages.
However, I wasn’t satisfied with the setup: Jekyll is a powerful tool, and quite a simple one, but it still requires maintenance. Moreover, it doesn’t have some interesting features, such as a search feature, and I am not good at customizing themes.

At the same time, while managing a blog through Git sounds like fun, at the end of the day, it has some limitations, and it proves itself as a barrier to creating more content.
Meaning, given I was spending too much time tweaking Jekyll, and I had some friction in writing content, I basically stopped writing anything.
And this is a shame, at least for me: maybe the Internet doesn’t need yet another blog, but I like writing: it helps me to understand better the topic I am writing about, it forces me doing proper research, and all in all, I like communicating.
So, when I had the opportunity to change the platform to something I liked more, I took it. I spent the last month preparing the migration, and now this blog is hosted on Hyvor Blogs!
But why Hyvor Blogs among all the platforms?
Hyvor Talk
Two years ago, almost to the date, I introduced comments on this blog.
I am thrilled with it: for a small fee, I have a nice product, without any tracked or shady business going on. So, when they launched Hyvor Blogs I was truly interested in them, given how happy I am with the comments system
No maintenance
Once again, for just a small fee I have a platform that just works: I don’t have to worry about software versions, or infrastructure, or anything else. Growing old, I learned to focus on the core of stuff, and delegate everything else. My blog is here for me to write and communicate, not for maintaining software. So, it makes sense to have somebody expert taking care of it.
Pretty theme
I like having a pretty theme for my blog. I customized one of the default ones to have a style similar to the previous one. Moreover, I also gained a dark theme, and a search function. Neither things I would have ever implemented on my own.
Amazing support
Hyvor is still a small company, not a faceless behemoth: they have outstanding support channels, and they helped me so much in setting everything up. It is nice to have somebody to talk to when I encounter bugs, or I am not confident how to do something. The product has room for improvement (which product doesn’t?), but any bug I reported has been fixed within a few days, if not hours.
Writing more
Now I can focus on just writing, and I can also do from my smartphone (I never installed git on it, so it was almost impossible with Jekyll). Maybe I will write more, or perhaps I will continue writing just a couple of posts every year. I definitely aim for the former, let’s see.
I hope the look and feel of the blog remembers the old one. If you notice anything broken, if the change introduced any bug, or just if you want to let me know what you think of this change, please leave a comment below :-)
So, thanks Hyvor for this pretty blog and the wonderful commenting system, and see you all in the next blog post!