Glasnost: yet another Gitlab's client.

Glasnost is an opensource Gitlab's client for Android and iOs.

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I travel often, and be able to work on issues and pipelines on the go is something essential for me. Unfortunately, Gitlab’s UX on small screens is far from ideal (while it has improved over the years).

Enter Glasnost

My good friend Giovanni has developed a new opensource mobile client for Gitlab, with a lot of cool features: Glasnost!

glasnost logo

In his words:

Glasnost is a free, currently maintained, platform independent and opensource mobile application that is aiming to visualize and edit the most important entities handled by Gitlab.

Among the others features, I’d like to highlight support for multiple Gitlab hosts (so you can work both on your company’s Gitlab and on at the same time), two different themes (a light one and a dark one), a lite version for when your data connection is stuck on edge, and support for fingerprint authentication.

The application is still in an early phase of development, but it already has enough features to be used daily. I am sure Giovanni would love some feedback and suggestions, so please go on the Glasnost’s issues tracker or leave a feedback on the PlayStore.

If you feel a bit more adventurous, you can contribute to the application itself: it is written in React+Redux with Expo: the code is hosted on Gitlab (of course).

Enjoy yet another client for Gitlab, and let Giovanni knows what you think!

For any comment, feedback, critic, leave a comment below or drop an email at

